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GHM Gesellschaft für Handwerksmessen mbH
Paul-Wassermann-Str. 5
81829 Munich
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Employer branding

Employer branding or employer marketing refers to the activities of companies or businesses as employers to establish a brand that offers their employees such attractive benefits that they develop a high interest in working for it. 

Employers in all sectors increasingly feel that their employees are a very important resource. Given the general shortage of skilled workers, qualified employees have a choice of many companies courting them. 

Significance for optics: 

This development does not stop at optics, as here, too, one is dependent on professional, well-motivated and interested employees.  Especially companies in smaller towns or in areas away from the conurbations may find it difficult to find qualified staff.  

Especially for young people, i.e., when recruiting the younger generation, companies increasingly need an active presence in various channels for recruiting. The young generation has grown up with smartphones and tablets and is almost constantly online. Companies that do not have at least an appealing website and ideally further social media activities therefore appear unattractive or are simply not noticed.  

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