
GHM Gesellschaft für Handwerksmessen mbH
Paul-Wassermann-Str. 5
81829 Munich
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opti 2025 impresses with a wide range of highlights - to touch, inspire, rediscover and marvel at. Always at the centre: personal exchange and the focus topics of opti. Many visitor magnets have already been confirmed for 2025. 

#weareopti PARTY

31. Januar 2025: Die #weareopti PARTY steigt wieder auf der opti! Merken Sie sich dieses Datum jetzt schon vor, denn diese Party hat absolutes FOMO-Potenzial (fear of missing out).


Innovation and direct exchange: At the opti MYOPIA HUB, participants can find out about the latest developments in myopia control and treatment and exchange ideas with international experts. 


There will be an innovation in 2025: In addition to the regular opti SUSTAINABILITY AWARD, there will be another award for students, trainees and pupils: The opti SUSTAINABILITY YOUNGSTER AWARD.  

Find out more about the award and the conditions of participation.  


Young labels from the frame sector presented their new products in the opti BOXES. The popular opti BOX AWARD will also be presented in 2025 - a guarantee for international attention.



At the new opti VISIONARY special area, you can get to know optics start-ups and their brilliant ideas outside the frame area and find out more about their innovations in personal discussions.


Sustainability is a matter close to opti's heart, in which everyone should participate. That's why visitors were able to attend all presentations in German and English for the first time in 2024.


More visibility and more customers for your business: At the opti SOCIAL MEDIA SPEAKING HOUR, participants were able to get tips from professionals on how to take their social media presence to the next level.



In 2024, we also offered tours with the exhibitor epitop, Karin Stehr and Sarah Schleicher.

Further training opportunities in the field of ophthalmic optics and nine specialised academies and universities: This is what awaits you at opti CAMPUS.


For philanthropists and eyewear fans: opti CHARITY presented four fantastic charity projects that are committed to providing optical care worldwide.


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